Below is the view you will first see when accessing the website address: Support : Viridor IT Service Desk Portal

You have 5 options to choose from:

  1. Your Tickets – This will allow you to see all tickets you have logged either open or resolved
  2. Pending Approvals – This allows you to see all requests pending your approval (if applicable)
  3. Report an Incident – Here you can raise an incident
  4. Request New Service – Here we list all service you can log request against
  5. Browse Solution – The IT team will post solutions that can be used to help resolve your issues without having to contact IT. We are keen to promote self-service.

For a more in depth explanation of each option above, please click the relative solution article link below:

1. Your tickets - Solution Article


2. Report an Incident - Solution Article


3. Request New Service - Solution Article